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build19b: Updated high score table
May 23, 2019
Jacob Grossman
This is build is exactly the same as build19 except the high score table has been updated with player submitted high scores! Can you beat anything on the high score table? If so let me know and I'll u...
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so darn close
April 12, 2019
Jacob Grossman
Oh man, so close!!!! I can't remeber what I fixed but I broke the score system hehe. I'll fix it up next week. Jacob!...
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Last build update before release?
April 11, 2019
Jacob Grossman
So this is likely the last big update before final release. This update has a LOT of new features and a lot more polish than previous builds. I won't tell you everything because 90% of the fun of this...
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New Build Up!!!!!
December 15, 2018
Jacob Grossman
NEW BUILD UP!!!! Let me know what you think! Obviously it's still super rough but it's definitely coming together. You may notice some aesthetically suggested mechanics but they aren't fully implement...
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First Post!
November 23, 2018
Jacob Grossman
#wip, #gummybear
I've been thinking of doing devlogs to make sure that I'm analysing my actions as I work. Solo game development is super convoluted so there's a good chance I'm not working on the most important thing...
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